Come Ride, Train, and Compete with Us!

2024/25 SEASON

Congratulations & Welcome to the Team!!

We are thrilled to see our returning riders as well as extend a warm welcome to all new riders from Middle and High Schools across Contra Costa County that will be joining us this year! We had an epic season last year with many team accomplishments, accolades and Rider’s success! It will be another banner year focusing on our primary goal and mission statement as shared with the league:

“To build strong minds, bodies, character and communities through cycling.”

What’s Next?

Step 1: You will be contacted via email within 72 hours with a link to Register with the League NICA/NorCal in their PitZone portal. Amount: $110.00


Step 2: Once in the Pitzone portal please sign up for each of our ( 4 ) Scheduled Race Events (high school / middle school) and League Championship Race (high school only.) We highly recommend that Riders sign up for all Races you are available as this will ensure you have the best mountain biking season experience! Each Race Fee is $55.00 to register and if you sign up before Dec 1st, there is a discounted rate.

Races (Saturdays, unless it's rained out then the race will be on Sunday)

  • March 1 - Fort Ord
  • March 16 - Granite Bay (Sunday Only!)
  • April 5 - Exchequer
  • May 3 - Stafford
  • May 17  - League Championships, Six Sigma Winery (High school only & must qualify)


Step 3: Please also be on the lookout for an email invitation to join Team Snap. This is our primary communication platform and how we stay connected throughout the season. Please download the app to your phone and allow for notifications. You will see emails, group chats, team roster and scheduled dates for events. We require all parents and riders to utilize the app to RSVP for all practices, races and events.


Step 4: For all Returning Riders: We will continue with the same Racing Kits (uniforms) we had last year. For all New Riders: you will have the opportunity to TRY ON sample Racing Jersey, bib shorts and practice jersey at a soon to be determined date so you’ll know your size before you order. Minimum requirement items to be ordered is pictured below.

  • 1 x Racing Jersey
  • 1 x Racing bib (shorts)
  • 1 x Practice Jersey (loose fit)
  • 1 x Pair of socks


**Estimate Cost for Minimum Requirement items / Team bundle: $250.00.
There will also be additional apparel items that Riders can order and available on our Vendor: Hyperthreads website (this is totally optional). As well as Family members can order items including: hoodies, wind breakers and Jerseys for themselves.


Please spread the word as we are looking to grow our team this year!
All Middle School and High School Riders / Girls and Boys are WELCOME to join, as well as Parent Involvement will be needed. We are looking for additional Coaches, Board members and Parent Volunteers. Please share our website: cccmtb.com for more information and give us a follow on: Instagram: @cccmtbteam & Facebook: @CCC MTB TEAM for more information


You may reach out to our Board President Rob Schmidt: rob.schmidt@live.com with any questions you may have.


Thank you and welcome to the team!


Interested in Coaching?

As our team grows we're always looking for more coaches. This is a great way to give back to the kids in our community. The NICA training program provides three levels of certification and all coaches must pass a stringent background check. To learn more please fill out the form below.


Thank you to our sponsors for making the 2024/25 race season possible!